
‘You just know’ when you’ve found home

When a freelance journalist discovered a spectacular property perched on the cliffs above Lake Superior, she knew she’d found home. Here’s how she went about making that home into one that’s meant to be shared.  
One of our greatest joys is helping our customers live their best lives. We do this by contributing to homes that support their passions, connect them to the people they love, and ground them in the environments that feed their souls. That’s why we’re so excited to share this story of a woman who built a forever home not just for herself but to share with all her loved ones.

“This place picked me. I feel tremendously grateful for the opportunity to spend the rest of my days as its caretaker and then, hopefully, pass it along to my children.”

Krissie Mason

For most of her life, Krissie Mason has been exploring the great outdoors, especially the wilderness in her own backyard — Minnesota's woods and lakes. Her mother nurtured this love of wild places in her, and she did the same for her children. So, when the opportunity arose to build a home on a rugged piece of land on Lake Superior’s North Shore, she jumped at the chance. Here’s how she carved out a home that not only does its surroundings justice, it also provides space for Krissie to forge deep connections with family and friends who share her love of the outdoors.

“I've lived in many places, but you just know — you just know — when you are in a place that you're meant to be.”

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